"The Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah and Opportunities for Good Deeds"

The first ten days of Dhul Hijjah areconsidered the best days of the world.The best days in the world are the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah.The deeds done in these days are the best deeds and the deeds done in these days are the purest deeds.
The reward for obligatory and voluntary acts increases on these days

The righteous predecessors used to worship tirelessly during these days.

It is narrated from Saeed bin Jubair that when these ten days began, he would work harder than his strength and encourage the worship of these ten days greatly, saying, "Do not let the lamps be extinguished during the nights of these ten days (i.e., stay awake and worship at night)."

Abu Othman Nahdi says:

Righteous people, Companions, and pious predecessors used to honor three types of days: the last ten days of Ramadan, the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah, and the first ten days of Muharram.

We should fill these days with obedience and closeness to Alla okh.*

Things to do:

1. Sincerity (Ikhlas)

Before every act of goodness, make the intention pure for Allah. Do not do any favor to anyone, but only act for Allah.

Meaning of Ikhlas:

To have the intention of seeking Allah's pleasure and reward in the Hereafter through one's actions.

Why do good deeds?

To gain Allah's pleasure and receive the reward of these deeds in the Hereafter.

If you do good deeds with the intention of the Hereafter, your efforts will be appreciated, but if you do them for worldly gain, you will not receive the reward of the Hereafter.

Allah تعالى accepts only pure deeds.

Allah تعالى wants the best deeds from us.

The best deed is not the most frequent or the most abundant, but the one with the best quality, both ظاهراً and باطناً.

ظاهراً it should be in accordance with the Sunnah, and باطناً it should be for Allah.

How can Ikhlas be cultivated?

Do every act of goodness as if it were your last, and consider this decade to be the last decade of your life that you have been given. You may not get it next year. So, you should spend it well in the worship of Allah.
Worship in solitude:
Weep in solitude, sigh from the heart in solitude.

Make your worship in solitude better than your worship in public.

Do good deeds as a command from Allah, not as a habit.
Do not make good deeds a habit, but do them as obedience and submission to Allah, whether they are rights of Allah or rights of creation, do them as worship.

Do all kinds of good deeds, both small and large.
Do not despise any act of goodness, no matter how small.

These days come for our training. When we become lax, we are picked up again.

See what your priority is, what is the most important thing for you, and put it at the top (we usually put the most important thing at the end).

Do not be satisfied with your worship. Do not consider what you have done to be enough.
2. Sincere Repentance (Taubah)

Sins are an obstacle to good deeds.

We may be doing a good deed consistently for years, and then we commit a sin that takes away the blessing of those good deeds.

The servant needs repentance until the end of his life.

Whenever you feel a sense of guilt, or your heart is heavy and burdened, or you don't feel like doing good deeds, or you are losing opportunities, start repenting and seeking forgiveness.

Hafiz Ibn Rajab says that whoever spends the morning or evening without repenting is in danger, because there is a fear that he will meet Allah without repenting, and he will be raised among the group of oppressors.

Those who do not repent are the oppressors.

3. The determination and intention to work hard

For those who strive, the paths to good deeds are opened.

Those who race towards good deeds in the world will also reach Paradise early.

Those who do good deeds but also fear will move forward.

It is the initiators who will move forward.

There will be a desire for good deeds only when there is.

Note:This text is translated from urdu to English.


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