Speak up about your future and CSS

On Tuesday morning, a session was organized to motivate youth and guide them for competitive exams.

Muhammad Ibrahim channa
  • The first speaker motivated us by saying that we are the youth and we are capable of going through many options after graduation like teaching, business, and applying to foreign scholarships to study further but the best option is CSS cause it will provide success as it will establish our and our family's future.

.Fayaz Hussain Rahoojo
The main speaker started with questions and then answered them to make it understandable for us.
1. What do you want from your life?
One person from the audience said that he wanted recognition from life then the sequence of answers was given. Some wanted money, Some wanted power, and so on.
.The speaker continues that If you want money then there are so many ways through which you can make money. Even robbers can make money. For it, you don't have to be a CSS officer.
2:What to choose Money or fame?
.In our society, money can buy you  recognition
But sometimes money can't give your honor
It will be wise to choose recognition first along with a source of earning money.
.The speaker wanted recognition as he was youngest in his family so he wanted power and honor that is why he chose to be a CSS officer
. So  If you want power and authority then choose the CSS option for honor and recognition.
.Furthermore, he added that every individual has different problems in their life so choose your profession according to your problem.
3:What should a Boy's career be?
As boys' issue is money, they need to choose the work to make enough money.
4:What girl's career be?
.Female choice should be that career that gives them strength, power, and authority so that they can be free and independent in their life and for this CSS will be the best option.
.Female-driven force is to be independent and it can be achieved by education.
5 Today's generation issues?
1. The issue of today's generation is time wastage.
2. Many people don't  work hard and then they blame that system as corrupt so they should first work hard
It's about results it's about how you utilize your time.
.To manage your time, stay disciplined.
Concentration:To be serious about your goals.
Distraction:to avoid distractions that take you away from goals.
For example, limit your screen timing, and avoid unhelpful social media tools.
6 What is the difference between targets and goals?
Targets are for short periods, they are small steps to complete your goals
7:What today's generation lack?
 There is an absence of a sense of obligation and a sense of responsibility.
8:How do manage time for CSS preparation and academic studies?
Tips for University Students
As the academic study and CSS preparation combined can be managed there are short tips for bachelor students
.Read Dawn only with your courses no additional books are needed.
Just being consistent in reading Dawn.
Four benefits of reading dawn
Dawn will support you in increasing your vocabulary.
Will help you improve your writing skills.
.It will keep you aware of current affairs.
.As well as it will give you Islamic knowledge.
9 Is BS English mandatory for CSS?
.This is the most asked question and its answer is no.
 It is not mandatory to do BS  English for CSS.
.English is important for CSS not a degree in English. It's the content that matters.
10:What is the better option Self-study or joining an Academy for better analysis?
.The answer is both.
.It depends on your basics and other skills.
.If you're capable of Doing it by yourself then you don't need to join the  Academy.
.In the self-study method don't do smart study because it will not give you depth.
.Join the academy but do not rely on it
will help to improve your writing skills.
11:How to solve easy writing questions?
Essay writing and strategies

.As we all know these basics
.Basic things
Further cohesion devices
.We all are fully aware of these rules. we need is practice.
.Do practice as much as you can.
.Write about yourself for practice but write error-free.
.Don't be unconcerned or irrational in your content should be relevant to the topic.
Make your content catchy
Use quotes or another refreshing method.
13:What subjects to choose?
.You are highly recommended to choose those subjects in which you are good or which you find interesting.
14: When to do CSS after my bachelor's or masters
.It depends on individual will but the better option is after the master as a Master is like your backup in case you can't clear CSS.


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