
عشرہ ذوالحجه اور نیکی کے مواقع از استاذہ فرحت ہاشمی

اہم نکات 🔸ذوالحجہ کے پہلے دس دنوں کو دنیا کے بہترین ایام قرار دیا ہے . 🔸دنیا کے دنوں میں سب سے افضل ترین دن ذوالحجہ کے پہلے دس دن ہیں ان دنوں میں کیا گیا عمل سب سے افضل عمل ہے ان دنوں میں کیا گیا عمل سب سے پاکیزہ عمل ہے ۔ 🔸فرائض اور نوافل کا اجر عام دنوں سے بڑھ جاتا ہے  دس دنوں کو غنیمت جاننا چاہیے *سلف صالحین ان دنوں میں ان تھک عبادت کیا کرتے تھے*  ▪️سعید بن جبیر کے بارے میں آتا ہے جب یہ دس دن شروع ہو جاتے تو اپنی طاقت سے بڑھ کر محنت کرتے اور ان دس دنوں کی عبادت کی بہت ترغیب دیتے اور کہتے تھے ان دس دنوں کی راتوں کو دیے نہ بجھایا کرو ( یعنی راتوں کو بھی جاگتے رہا کرو عبادت کیا کرو ) ▪️ابوعثمان نہدی کہتے ہیں : نیک لوگ ، صحابہ کرام اور سلف صالحین تین قسم کے دنوں کی تعظیم کرتے تھے رمضان کے آخری دس دن ، ذوالحجہ کے پہلے دس دن اور محرم کے پہلے دس دن۔  *ان دنوں کو اللہ کی اطاعت اور تقرب سے آباد کرنا چاہیے* 🔸کرنے کے کام : 1️⃣ اخلاص نیکی کے ہر کام سے پہلے نیت کو اللہ کے لیے خالص کرنا کسی پر کوئی احسان نہیں صرف اللہ کے لئے عمل کرنا  🔸اخلاص کا مطلب : اپنے اعمال کے ذریعہ اللہ کی رضا اور آخرت

"The Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah and Opportunities for Good Deeds"

The first ten days of Dhul Hijjah areconsidered the best days of the world.The best days in the world are the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah.The deeds done in these days are the best deeds and the deeds done in these days are the purest deeds. The reward for obligatory and voluntary acts increases on these days The righteous predecessors used to worship tirelessly during these days. It is narrated from Saeed bin Jubair that when these ten days began, he would work harder than his strength and encourage the worship of these ten days greatly, saying, "Do not let the lamps be extinguished during the nights of these ten days (i.e., stay awake and worship at night)." Abu Othman Nahdi says : Righteous people, Companions, and pious predecessors used to honor three types of days: the last ten days of Ramadan, the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah, and the first ten days of Muharram. We should fill these days with obedience and closeness to Alla okh.* Things to do: 1. Sincerity (Ikhlas) Be

When and How to Pay Fidyah for Missed Fasts

When can fidyah (ransom) be paid for missed fasts? Fidyah can be paid in case of a permanent illness.   What should be given as fidyah for missed fasts?  Fidyah for missed fasts can be given in the form of money or food. Explanation : Fidyah is paid by those who are unable to fast due to a permanent illness. Fidyah is to feed a needy person two meals a day. Fidyah can also be given in the form of food or money. How much is fidyah? The amount of fidyah is the cost of two meals that you would eat yourself. In 2024, the minimum fidyah is PKR 250 per day. The fidyah for 30 days will be approximately PKR 7500. Fidyah should be given according to one's ability. When to pay fidyah? Fidyah can be paid before the start of Ramadan. It can also be paid after Ramadan. Why did Allah ordain fidyah for the sick? Fidyah was ordained to emphasize the importance of fasting. It also provides for the poor. The person who receives fidyah still fasts, but the fast is broken with the provision of the per


So we are Muslims... Are we? Yes we feel bad for Palestine But we can't do a boycott But Yes....agree on Lays, Pepsi, sting, KFC, McDonald Are more important than the bloodshed But yes our hearts feel bad for those dying kids and for those parents who offer janazzas of their families with every prayer But we need products from Unilever! But yes we are Muslims and that Muslim ummah who will be entering Paradise first But Can we even stop using Nestle? So Do we even deserve to enter Paradise? If yes then what will be our answer to those innocent's lives in hereafter? Then are we humans even? Or do animals have more humanity than us? Do only love Palestine will support Palestine? Does our hate only for Israel weaken Israel? FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸

A Triptych of Blessings in Rajab

The three days of Ayyam al-Bid in the month of Rajab are a great opportunity to earn the ثواب (reward) of fasting for a lifetime. Let us make the most of this opportunity and fast with sincerity and devotion. Did you know? Regularly fasting on the 13th, 14th, and 15th of the lunar month is rewarded with the ثواب (reward) of fasting for a lifetime. Hadith 1: Hazrat Abu Qatadah (RA) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, "Fasting for three days every month (Ayyam al-Bid) in between the two Ramadans is equivalent to fasting for a lifetime."* Sahih Muslim 620 Hadith 2: Hazrat Abu Saeed (RA) narrates that he heard the Messenger of Allah (SAW) say, "Whoever fasts one day for the sake of Allah, Allah will distance him from the fire of Hell by the distance of 70 years of travel."* Sahih Bukhari and Muslim 709 Dates for Ayyam al-Bid in Rajab 1446 AH: 13th Rajab: 25th January 2024 Thursday Sihri time ends at 5:58 AM in Karachi 14th Rajab: 26th January 2024 Friday 15

Are you the best person?

Who are the best people? Narrated by the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ): "The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it." (Sahih al-Bukhari 5027) "The best of you are those with the best manners." (Sahih al-Bukhari 6035) "The best of you are those who are the best at paying their debts." (Sahih al-Bukhari 2305) "The best of you are those from whom good is expected and evil is not feared." (Sahih al-Tirmidhi 2263) "The best of you are the best to their family." (Sahih Ibn Hibban 4177) "The best of you are those who feed others and respond to the greeting." (Sahih al-Jami' 3318) "The best of you are those who are most gentle in their shoulders during prayer." (Targhib wa al-Tarhib 234/1) "The best of people are those who have a long life and good deeds." (Sahih al-Jami' 3297) "The best of people are those who are most beneficial to people." (Sahih al-Jami' 3289) "The best of comp


As in our Academic life, we have to go through the stage of thesis and research for doing research and creating the research paper we have to read different articles. In the beginning, It can be quite challenging for those who are not good at reading and understanding. How to read an article? To read an article and understand it we have to be familiar with certain terms that are used in articles. 1: What is research? Research is a scientific and systematic term for investigating and gathering specific information on a specific topic. It is a broader term affiliated with contributions. It deals with the investigation of existing knowledge and subtracting and investigating it simply saying it is a journey from known to unknown. 2:what is Abstract? The abstract is the concise summary or overview of the research paper describing the tool, research area, population, method, and all other techniques used in the research paper. 3:what is a literature review? A literature review is a scholarl